Food & Wine Archives | Leonardo Da Vinci

Food & Wine

Wine and Cheese pairing

Wine and Cheese pairing

Cheese is a dairy product that is obtained from the coagulation of milk or cream through the use of salt and enzymes, also called rennet. The rennet actives the coagulation process which sees the separation of the liquid part (the “whey“) from the insoluble protein mass (the so-called “curd“), that is then collected and processed

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What food goes with Chianti?

What food goes with Chianti?

Chianti is one of the most renowned wine-growing areas in the world. It extends into the provinces of Florence, Siena, Arezzo, Pisa, Pistoia and Prato, and the appellation of red wines of great value is derived from its name. Since 1984 Chianti has been a DOCG wine (Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin) that reflects

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